
class user_tasks.conf.LazySettings

The behavior of django-user-tasks can be customized via the following Django settings.


Tuple containing zero or more filters for UserTaskArtifact listing REST API calls.

Each entry should be a Django REST Framework filter backend class object, such as django_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend. The default value contains only user_tasks.filters.ArtifactFilterBackend, which allows superusers to see all artifacts but other users to see only those for artifacts they triggered themselves.


File storage backend to use for user_tasks.models.UserTaskStatus.file.

If explicitly set, the setting should be the import path of a storage backend class.


timedelta reflecting the age after which UserTaskStatus records should be deleted.

For this setting to be useful, user_tasks.tasks.purge_old_user_tasks should be configured to run on an appropriate schedule. Note that the age is calculated from task creation, not completion. The default value is 30 days.


Tuple containing zero or more filters for UserTaskStatus listing REST API calls.

Each entry should be a Django REST Framework filter backend class object, such as django_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend. The default value contains only user_tasks.filters.StatusFilterBackend, which allows superusers to see all task statuses but other users to see only those for tasks they triggered themselves.