Data Cleanup#

After running django-user-tasks for a while, you’ll typically have an assortment of UserTaskStatus and UserTaskArtifact records sitting around in the database. These can be either explicitly removed or automatically cleaned up.


A UserTaskStatus and any associated UserTaskArtifact instances can be deleted via the REST API by a user with appropriate permissions. It’s usually appropriate to put a button for this in the UI wherever a status is shown as long as the task has reached a final state: Canceled, Failed, or Succeeded. Note that if you delete a status record before the task has finished processing, it may be recreated upon the next state transition.


user_tasks.tasks.purge_old_user_tasks() is a Celery task which deletes any UserTaskArtifact records (and any associated artifacts) which were created more than a certain duration ago. The task can be run explicitly, but you’d typically want it to run periodically by adding it to Celery’s CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE setting.

The maximum age for status records defaults to 30 days, but can be customized by assigning a suitable timedelta to the USER_TASKS_MAX_AGE setting.